
Aké je poistné krytie?

Naše produkty platia na celom svete – vďaka tomu sa môžete sústrediť na dôležité veci v živote. Pomôžeme vám nielen v rámci poradenstva, ale zostaneme na vašej strane aj neskôr.

Inpatient benefits

Inpatient benefits

Treatment during a hospitalisation with at least one overnight stay or as a day care patient. Lorem ipsum dolor.
Outpatient benefits

Outpatient benefits

Treatments by general practitioner, specialists, therapists, chiropractors which do not need a hospitalisation or a overnight stay.


Necessary benefits and treatments during pregnancy. The health insurances determine waiting periods on benefits of maternity.
Preventive care

Preventive care

Benefits for early diagnosis of diseases. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit neque lacus.
Complementary medicine

Complementary medicine

Therapeutic disciplines that are used together with conventional medicine. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Dental & eyes

Dental & eyes

Any of variety of treatments of teeths to restore or maintain normal oral health and function.